Fighting a good fight for mental health…
Hi, I’m Jimmy
I’m a Boxing Personal Trainer and the founder of JackalBoxFit.
I wanna be honest with you…I had a lot of deep struggles early on in my life. I hated the way I looked, hated the way I felt, and hated the way I thought!
Maybe you can relate?
My teenage years were pretty much forgettable…and then I discovered boxing which transformed my life!
The feeling you get after performing a boxing session is unbelievable.
The workout is SO stimulating and leaves you absolutely buzzing with energy, confidence and a deep sense of satisfaction.
The sense of confidence along with the ‘free high’ of the adrenaline rush is addictive, it’s just amazing.
It helps me lock onto a positive mindset that stays with me through the day.
I am so fortunate to have finally found a career that I love, am genuinely passionate about and also helps my clients achieve their physical and mental goals, whatever they are: weight loss, learning proper boxing technique for self defense, developing mental strength or having a boxing bout.
I promise I’ll do my upmost to help YOU achieve this too.
I can help you change YOUR life because I am somebody that has had to change HIS.
When life gets tough, put on your boxing gloves!