Lose 10lbs Of Fat And Learn How To Box Like A Pro From The Comfort Of Your Own Home!!

You Can Get And Feel In The Best Shape Of Your Life Without Having To Leave Your Living Room

Join An Army Of People, Just Like You Who Wanted To Make Drastic Changes To Their Physical And Mental Health Through ‘The Sweet Science’ Under A First Class Boxing Coach.

(Plus, You Don’t Need To Get To A Gym, Join A Class Or Even Get Punched In The Face!)

Hi, I’m Jimmy!

If you want to lose a LOT of weight and learn one of the best forms of self defence…

… so that you can walk tall, dress well and feel the best you have in years..

Then this is going to be the most important message you read all day.

Here’s why…

I’ll never forget that moment over 15 years ago…

I took one look in the cracked, mildew stained mirror and realised, maybe for the first time, that I totally HATED what was staring back at me.

I was only a teenager but over the years my mental and physical health had taken an absolute beating, leaving me overweight and massively underconfident.

I knew I was going down.

Like, seriously.

In a last ditch attempt to find some self respect I dragged myself to a local boxing club, hoping I might benefit from some kind of workout.


I was hooked.

Almost immediately, the adrenaline rush from that first boxing session told me that this was something I wasn’t gonna give up easily.

Let’s just say it was one of my better addictions…

The weight dropped off and so did the depression!

This new hobby turned into my deepest passion and then my career.

Fast forward and I am now an experienced boxer and coach who has participated in many English Amateur Boxing Association bouts and competed in a load of  international boxing cups across Europe.

My goals have been fulfilled. 

I am genuinely passionate about helping other people achieve their goals whatever they are - keeping fit, developing mental strength or to learn real boxing techniques to showcase their skills in the ring.

But - here’s the issue…

Most people feel fantastic when they come to the gym and they have all the best intentions…

They do a class, work up a sweat, leave the place absolutely buzzing then go about their week.

Time for the next class comes around and they haven’t quite got the energy or the time to get there so they skip it.

Maybe they get to the class after that and maybe the next but, with busy lives, work pressures and all the rest…

… they eat badly, drink themselves silly to ‘let their hair down’ and all the hard work in the gym goes for nothing.

They get frustrated with themselves, skip more classes, eat more food then abandon their goals altogether.

It’s a vicious, vicious circle.

They KNOW they could look a million times better, they WANT to feel a million times better but they just can’t get out of this rut!

Sound familiar?

I’ve trained enough people to know that this is what gets most of them - every time.

That’s when I realised that they may not be able to come to ME all the time, but I can definitely come to THEM.

I can rid them of all the things that are holding them back .

I can give them a workout in their own home, offer accountability any and every day that they need it, along with first class nutritional advice and motivation.

They WILL meet their goals, they WILL look and feel their best and, even better, they WILL save money!

And I can do the same thing for you.

I’d Like To Introduce You To...

The JackalBoxFit Academy Coaching Programme

This unique 12 week experience will give you all the tools you need to workout at home, personal support as you go, create a diet that actually works for you and lose a cool 10lb in that time!

When you complete the programme you will have made significant weight loss, feel incredibly fit and energised, have an arsenal of boxing techniques in your body as well as a steady and effective eating plan for life!

Here’s HOW The Programme Works:

The programme is delivered via clear and concise video-on-demand classes that you can do at your own convenience at home.

  1. Phase 1 (month 1) 12 sessions in total (3 per week)

  2. Phase 2 (month 2) 16 sessions in total (4 per week)

  3. Phase 3 (month 3) 20 sessions in total (5 per week)

You will benefit from personal 1-2-1 accountability calls with me on Zoom to keep you right on track as well as steady contact via Slack.

Here’s WHY It Works:

Consistency is absolutely key when it comes to making the changes you want to make.

What's the best way to be consistent?


This programme rests on the fact that you are going to receive ongoing mentoring and bespoke support from me which will keep you on target and motivated, whatever comes up.

The exercises and eating plans are proven and tested, all that is missing is you!

With a gradual increase in intensity and skill development over the 3 months, as well as your own personal coach pushing you on.

There is no end to what you can achieve!

Here’s What’s Included In The Programme:

  • The 48 lesson video series that you keep for life!

  • Access to the nutrition and diet library 

  • Weekly 1-1 Power Call with me personally for accountability 

  • Consistent access to me and other programme participants through our private Slack channel

Here’s What People Say About The JackalBoxFit Academy Coaching Programme

What Can I Guarantee?

The only guarantee I can make is the only guarantee I SHOULD make.

If you follow this programme, you WILL lose the weight. 


Act Now!!

We only release 20 places at a time to ensure that I give everyone the personal attention they deserve and get each of them successfully to their target. 

“I’ll do it later…..”

Maybe you will - but you and I both know that it’s unlikely.

When it comes to your fitness, mental game and living your best life, there is no tomorrow!

Those that achieve what they want to achieve start right where they are at and go all in.

What’s the alternative?

More of the same.


Low moods.

Feeling like you could and should look so much better than you do.

Have you ever experienced the feeling when someone you know stares at you in shock at how good you look?

That my friend, is priceless!

That is a natural high like no other.

So let’s do it.


-Jimmy Lesbirel

Boxer and Coach

P.S. Just one more thing, check out what Nicola just had to say about the training she received through us…


  • Either! You can train at the gym, or your home. No problem at all. The beauty of this programme is that it’s like having a personal trainer in your pocket!

  • You will learn advanced boxing techniques and how to perform practical, effective exercise to develop great physical results.

  • I will be available for contact with a guaranteed response time inside 24 hours in addition to our weekly one to one calls.

    You can ask me anything via Slack or on our one to one’s…apart from Geography. Don’t ask me anything about geography!

  • It goes without saying that every individual is different. However, you should start to see results within 2 weeks.

  • The program is 3 months in duration.

  • Yes, you can but the accountability offered to you on this course will ensure you achieve the best results.

    Remember that all athletes need coaches.

  • The programme caters for all levels of fitness. Start where you are right now!

  • Just think in three months time you could be in the best physical and mental shape of your life.

    This could be the best investment you ever make.

  • No problem, you can learn the best way to do things with our easy to learn tutorial library.

    We cater for beginners and beyond.

  • If you want to keep seeing great progress, we can analyse and evaluate your results and create a programme to take you to a whole new level.

  • Yes indeed, this training will make you feel amazing.

  • Yes, you will lose weight if you stick to the guidelines suggested by the coach.

  • Yes, the coach is very experienced and you will fully understand the mechanics of boxing and perform to the best of your ability.

  • Yes, the programme is definitely enjoyable.

    The natural rush of exercise done regularly as well as the changes in your body will guarantee you feel good.

    It will make you feel empowered.

  • Yes, there is a nutritional library for you to use and take action.

  • Yes, we offer a payment plan to help you get started and achieve your targets.